Y & R: Todo por el rock! 1994

Drama Music

Two young girls start a band and open up a nightclub in town where the local kids can hang out and stay out of trouble, but they encounter opposition from local people who think rock is the...

Tutti i titoli
  • Todo por el Rock
  • US: Shake, Rattle and Rock! Shake, Rattle and Rock!
  • BR: Rock, Agito e Curtição Rock, Agito e Curtição
  • FI: Ravista, rämistä ja rokkaa! Ravista, rämistä ja rokkaa!
  • DE: Glory Days Glory Days
  • NL: Shake, Rattle and Rock! Shake, Rattle and Rock!
  • PT: Os anos Loucos do Rock Os anos Loucos do Rock
  • RU: Шейк, Рэттл и Рок! Шейк, Рэттл и Рок!
  • VE: Los años locos del rock Los años locos del rock
Data di rilascio 26 Aug 1994
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