Peter Lundy 1977


A teenage boy gets a job as a Pony Express rider in the Nebraska Territory not long before the Civil War breaks out.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion
  • BR: O Herói do Pony Express O Herói do Pony Express
  • GR: Αχώριστοι σύντροφοι Αχώριστοι σύντροφοι
  • SE: Peter och Ponny-Expressen Peter och Ponny-Expressen
  • UA: Rough Rider Rough Rider
  • US: Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion
  • US: The Medicine Hat Stallion The Medicine Hat Stallion
  • US: Rough Rider Rough Rider
Data di rilascio 06 Nov 1977
Link IMDb
