La carretera de la muerte 2011

Action Adventure Fantasy Horror Sci-Fi Thriller

Six young friends on a road trip in Ireland run afoul of gypsies who curse them for accidentally running down an old woman. The curse takes the form of a terrifying flying creature that tries killing them all.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Roadkill Roadkill
  • BR: A Fúria de Simuroc A Fúria de Simuroc
  • EE: Põrgulik retk Põrgulik retk
  • JP: Ultimate Predator Ultimate Predator
  • PL: Wyprawa po śmierć Wyprawa po śmierć
  • RU: Убийственная поездка Убийственная поездка
Data di rilascio 23 Apr 2011
Link IMDb
